Sebastiana Pol Suy es diferente a cualquier otra persona. Es una talentosa sanadora, Sebastiana sirve desde el corazón, y ella puede ayudar de muchas maneras a sanar a su comunidad local y a la comunidad global. Junto con los miembros del equipo de Global Healthworks Foundation (GHF) de Guatemala y Norteamérica, ella trabaja para crear la experiencia de tratamiento más estimulante y empoderadora posible para que cada paciente pueda conocerla. Nos sentimos honrados de tenerla como parte de nuestro equipo.
Ángel Solís comenzó a trabajar con Global Healthworks Foundation (GHF) en 2015. Como piloto del bus hasta un Coordinador de la Clínica Móvil. Ángel se ha convertido en uno de los miembros más confiables del equipo de GHF. Actualmente está estudiando acupuntura con la esperanza de expandir la atención médica integral a más comunidades en un futuro cercano.
Claudine Rousseau became Global Healthworks Foundation (GHF)’s Central American Program Manager in April 2018. Though she has only worked with GHF for seven months, her impact in the mobile clinics has reached beyond individual patients to entire communities.
This week is the one-year anniversary of Greg Radicone embarking on a new role as the Central American Program Manager for GHF in Quiché, Guatemala. He has done a tremendous job integrating some new team members and increasing the outreach capacity of our local mobile clinic there. Under Greg’s watch, our weekly mobile clinic team has provided integrated healthcare services to more than five thousand patients in underserved communities!
For the past four years, Luciano Laynez has done a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes organizing all the local logistics for our medical missions in Guatemala. Luciano is like a quiet machine – he just gets things done! More importantly, he has such a great heart. His compassion for the indigenous people we serve comes across in all aspects of his work. Thanks, amigo, for all you have done to support our outreach efforts!
Brian and Abner Juan are two of our favorite young visitors to Global Healthworks Foundation outreach clinics in Quiché, Guatemala. Both were originally experiencing limb pain that interfered with their schoolwork and playtime activities. One of GHF’s key treatment strategies for children is to teach their parents simple exercises and healing techniques (e.g., massage and moxibustion heat therapy) so that they can continue treating their children at home.
Juan Jo Mejía is a superstar! He was one of the first local young adults to join GHF’s youth mentoring program, and today is an integral part of our Global Healthworks Foundation mobile clinic team. He is smart, energetic, and dependable – a true asset to his community.
Peter Caron was instrumental in launching GHF’s weekly mobile clinic program to provide much needed healthcare to indigenous communities throughout the district of Quiché, Guatemala. During the 18-month period in which he served as GHF’s Central America Program Manager, our mobile clinic team provided comprehensive treatments to nearly 10,000 patients.
Global Healthworks Foundation thinks beyond delivering healthcare services to communities in need – we plan for the sustainability of our programs. We train local health promoters and involve youth and young adults in all aspects of our Quiché-based services to ensure the prolonged impact of our work. Read about how GHF health promoters have become respected healthcare practitioners in their communities.
Dan Wundrlich is Founder and Executive Director of Global Healthworks Foundation. Since 2007, he has regularly lead teams of volunteer practitioners on humanitarian outreach projects treating underserved communities in Indonesia, Nepal and Guatemala. He also volunteers in New York-based community outreach clinics providing treatments to war veterans, recovery patients, and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs).